Konso grave carvings
Houses at Bakawli
Marshes of southern Aussa
Lake Abhebad
Konso man
Blessing of the waters at Addis Ababa
Crossing the Webi Shebeli river
Boran woman fitting a saddle on a camel
Patriot soldier with machine-gun
Shilluk man with neck ornaments
People at the market in Lalibela
Dinka men at a funeral dance
Shilluk man with feather decoration
Tebu man
Samburu families with laden donkeys
Afar men at the market in Bati
Rock art in northern Tibesti
Rock-hewn church of Genata Maryam
Loading camels
Boy outside the church of Mariam
People at a market near Mullu
Dinka men with spears at a funeral dance